Black Manner

Black Manner by Charles Meka
Cover Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
Behind the Black Manner
It was during the summer of 2018 when aspiring artist Charles Meka established his fashion brand Black Manner. His decision to move to Montreal at the age of 19 years old was a one-of-a-kind experience for him, considering that there are many cultural differences between the countries of Cameroon and Canada. Regardless, Charles brought his roots with him as he embarked on a new journey in a foreign country. After moving to Montreal, he started realizing his great interest in the artistic world, such as fashion, music, and drawing.
With the mission of showcasing youth, primarily in the Black community, Charles aims to make them feel valued and highlighted. In the society we’re living in right now, it’s becoming challenging for young people to stand out in the crowd or make a place for themselves in society. He also expressed this is more evident in the Black community as they tend to face social inequalities. Hence, Charles established Black Manner to represent an equal society and a hope for a better future, which perfectly defines the diverse culture in Canada.
“Change is collective and not individual,” he emphasized.
Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
The “Go” Signal
As we here at The Issue Magazine continue to cover articles that feature small business owners, we’re always curious about how they ended up starting their business despite the uncertainties and challenges, especially for aspiring young entrepreneurs. Charles Meka is one of them, and he surely did not disappoint as an inspiration. Keep on reading for our Q and A interview with the Montreal based designer. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity and conciseness.
Q: When did you know you wanted to establish a clothing line?
It all started with a passion. A passion for the artistic world. At the beginning, I used to just design T-Shirts on my computer. As time went by, I had a more precise vision. My entourage encouraged me from the very start, and it really gave me the desire to set up a precise project. The idea of wanting to represent and highlight my community was also a decisive factor.
Q: What was your biggest motivation to just start?
My biggest motivation to start was the idea of taking on a new challenge for myself, and that is establishing a business. Another factor of motivation was the developed passion in the said industry. I’ve experienced a lot of challenges before I started and up until now. Regardless of everything, you can overcome the hardest when you love what you do.
Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
Getting To Know Black Manner
Black Manner is more than just a brand. The purpose of the brand is not just to sell clothes–it’s also about representing a culture and philosophy. Their goal is to build a community that stays together and united for a better future. Charles has always been very proud of his roots-starting from the way people in the Black community dress, sing, and talk. He’s a reminder that every individual should take great pride in where they came from.
Q: What was your style inspiration for your vision for Black Manner (movies, designers, actors etc.)?
I'm proud of the fact that many Black people excel in the artistic field. If I had to choose a main source of inspiration for my vision, I would choose the musical universe. I listen to a lot of music, such as Naija, Rap, R&B, etc., and these genres bring out a lot of emotions in me. The lyrics in the music, the entrepreneurial projects of some artists, what they can accomplish on a daily basis, and the way they represent and defend their community, it inspires me a lot! The philosophy of the brand is also based on my life encounters, which are the social experiences I face on a daily basis.
Q: Where did your inspiration for the name “Black Manner” come from?
At first, I didn't know what I wanted to convey with my brand. As time went on, I had a clearer vision and knew what my brand was going to be about. When I arrived here in Montreal, I saw a lot of young Black people around me who were very talented in various fields. I wanted to create a structure that would represent those bright and ambitious youth, and the name BLACK MANNER came to mind. Through this name, we find the DNA of a brand that is representative of the Black community.
Q: What are some of your favourite styles out this season from Black Manner?
I really like hoodies as I consider them a cultural thing. Compared to a T-Shirt, you tend to wear hoodies more than once if you really like it. As of now, we're working more on sets fit, which I think will gain our market’s interest as it's a bit innovative. Alongside, we try to focus on keeping simple pieces like shirts and hoodies with unique prints. Little by little, we realize that producing more elaborate outfits allows us to go beyond our limits of creativity.
Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
Pieces of advice from an aspiring artist
It’s so easy to get tips and tricks from successful entrepreneurs, but it feels more personal seeking advice from people with fresh memories and experiences of fun and challenge. The beginning of business is always the hardest part, but it’s also the most meaningful.
Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to start something?
It is important to believe in yourself as it’s your dream and no one else's. As soon as you have your idea, don't overthink and just go for it. That doesn’t mean starting something just to say you started. Obviously, it's also important to do some research beforehand, so you know how your industry works. With time and determination, you will become a better person at what you do.
The world is changing so fast, and these days, there is tons of information available online. Take me for example, I didn't go to a fashion school. I just followed my vision, got the information I needed, and surrounded myself with the right people, which resulted in achieving my goal to become an entrepreneur. Another thing to consider, try to be as strict as possible in doing your business. The world is mean, and not everyone will want to see you succeed. Once you start, it’s inevitable to create a lot of jealousy and hatred around you.
Photo Courtesy of Black Manner
Q: What are your dreams for Black Manner and where do you want to take it in the future?
My biggest dream would be for my brand to be recognized as one of the most influential brands in terms of representing the Black community. I want to establish my brand in my home country, develop it there, and show people how wonderful things can be done in Cameroon. I know it's possible, but it will take me a long time to get there. I love my country very much, and I think it is our duty as young people to put Africa on the roof of the world to show them that they are wrong not to count on us from the beginning.
In speaking with Charles Meka, we’re reminded just how complex fashion is - it’s not just about wearing nice clothes or expressing confidence in oneself. While those aspects can’t be dismissed, fashion is, in fact, another way to represent your culture and show great pride for being born with it.
To learn more about Charles Meka and his brand, Black Manner, visit the brand’s website and official social media handles, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The brand typically organizes a Pop Up Shop in the city of Montreal whenever they release a new collection. All updates and information about the brand are posted to their official social media accounts linked above.

She's a woman of full passion, especially when it comes to creating and making art. Whether it be about writing, photography, videography, music, or content creation, she's always on it. Her eagerness to express herself through art is limitless.
Instagram: @__kibbeumi