Compound Cut Club: A Unique Local Barbershop in Edmonton

Compound Cut Club
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about barbershops? You are probably thinking of a place with some chairs, hair combs, clippers, razors and scissors. But have you ever thought about a more modernized and aesthetic barbershop where you can get a cool cut that wows your friend and enjoy fun conversations with the barbers? What if we say Edmonton has this one-of-a-kind type of barbershop? Yes, it’s right here - in the heart of Edmonton. Compound Cut Club is a unique local barbershop that started as a clothing brand in 2019 and has evolved to be a stable barbershop in Edmonton.
The Issue Magazine had an opportunity to chat with Alec and Julius - owners of the Compound Cut Club to learn more about its history, as well as listen to the stories they have to share about being a barber that not many people may know.
Alec - Owner of Compound Cut Club - Photo courtesy of Compound Cut Club by @leminomedia.
Julius - Owner of Compound Cut Club - Photo courtesy of Compound Cut Club by @leminomedia.
Test time. Let’s check your chemistry knowledge. Do you know how a compound is created? If your answer is when two or more different elements are mixed, you’re absolutely right. And that is also the idea of how Compound Cut Club was created - a mixture of styles, fashion, and hair.
"When it comes to fashion, it's not just the clothes. It's also the hair," Julius stated.
Julius first started Compound with John Sigaya and Dean Lumague. Through marketing, pop-up shops, and word of mouth, the brand quickly grew, attracting more and more local customers. As time passed, it was Julius and Alec that decided it was time to build the shop in 2019. Together, they hand-picked their team into what is now Compound Cut Club. This experience of building a clothing brand proved to Alec and Julius that with hard work and determination, they could 100% turn a small business into a big and successful business.
The success of the clothing brand once again challenged Alec and Julius to get out of their comfort zone and get closer to their dreams of opening their own barbershop.
Alec had always wanted to become a barber and open his own shop since high school. “I started cutting hair for free when I was in high school and from that time, I knew I wanted to be a barber full time,” said Alec. Success does not happen overnight. In order to have money to start his business, Alec worked as a landscaper while trying to save money.
Unlike Alec, Julius started out cutting hair in his basement and washroom for his friends and families, and Alec was actually Julius’ client. They had long conversations about barbering and the more they talked, the more they realized not only did they share the same passion for barbering, but they also shared the same dream of having their own barbershop one day. And it was Julius who realized that Alec had great potential and they finally decided to partner up.
"We had similar dreams," Julius said. "Both of us have a passion and really enjoy the trade."
In 2019, the Compound Cut Club barbershop was created. Since then, it has been known as one of the highly recommended barbershops among local youngsters in the city.
The Compound Cut Club has a team of young and experienced barbers and hairstylists. Unlike other barbershops, the Compound Cut Club caters particularly to younger generations, aged 15 to 30s.
The Compound Cut Club has a team of young and experienced barbers and hairstylists. - Photo courtesy of Compound Cut Club by @leminomedia.
Besides making clients feel confident with their new hair walking out of the shop, one of the most rewarding experiences Alec and Julius have is getting to listen to many people’s stories and sharing important life events with their clients.
“For us, it’s not only about the hairstyles we do, the products we use for clients, the customer service we provide. It’s more than that,” said Julius. “It’s about being part of someone’s life. We are not just seeing them in their struggles, but also in their celebrations. We would see them before special events like engagements, weddings, graduations, job interviews and it’s really nice to be part of that.”
Throughout the stories clients share, Julius and Alec learn something new. Those stories help them reflect in life to become a better version of themselves every day: a better leader, a better team member, and a better partner.
"We get to see our clients grow too, and it’s really awesome," Julius said. "They come to our shop once every few months and each time, they bring in different stories."
No career is perfect. Behind the beautiful things Julius and Alec get to experience, they also face a lot of challenges as a barber.
"Coming from Filipino culture, barbering is kind of like a low-income job," Julius said.
However, Julius and Alec are both blessed to have the opportunity to live in Canada and grow their business here. They are also very optimistic about the barbering career and believe, “This is a good industry to be in right now,” Julius shares.
When asked about their plan for Compound Cut Club in near future, Alec shared,
“We are working on our next goals, which are to expand and build a stronger community.”
Compound Cut Club is going to expand and build a stronger community in the future. Photo courtesy of Compound Cut Club by @leminomedia.
For people who want to get into barbering, Alec and Julius shared their secret,
“Don’t be scared to invest in your education.”
They also recommend people start connecting and talking with barbers early to learn about their experience and techniques and “even watching YouTube videos can be a massive help.”
Visit to check out the services Compound Cut Club offers, as well as book an appointment.
Follow them on social media:
Instagram: @compoundcutclub
Facebook: @compoundcutclub
*Edited by Trinh Dong

Born in Manila, Philippines! Julia Magsombol lives in Edmonton, Canada. Julia is currently pursuing a degree in communications, majoring in journalism at Grant MacEwan University. She enjoys reading novels and watching a lot of films from different genres. One of her goals is to bring hope and comfort to people through her writings.
Instagram: @ryupeachy